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SUMMER SERIES, as a single event takes one of its 4 main themes and expresses it by identifying Great People of Faith - like Daniel - who stood in Faith, No Matter the Cost, amongst the most trying of circumstances… We build upon His Character, his life, his spiritual stature and use it to stir up in the hearts of Young People a desire to commit to Christ... No matter the cost. We weave in original music as written by Selia Darlene Bervine, and look at the world from the posture of strength, and God's perfect love. We take our 4 themes and measure out the portion designed for that one Destiny Page Experience, using lessons, crafts, public speaking, prayer, and the development of strategies for each young person, that will increase their capacities now... and in the future... to follow Jesus


Individual SUMMER SERIES run for 2-hour periods on the date your Young Person is scheduled to attend. Please identify the date you plan for your child to attend. See more in in the Full Nine Week Description. 

1 Time Attendance - Pay for Individual Class

SKU: 217537123517253
  • SUMMER SERIES, as a single event takes one of its 4 main themes and expresses it by identifying Great People of Faith - like Daniel - who stood in Faith, No Matter the Cost, amongst the most trying of circumstances.. We build upon His Character, his life, his spiritual stature and use it to stir up in the hearts of Young People a desire to commit to Christ... No matter the cost. We weave in original music as written by Selia Darlene Bervine, and look at the world from the posture of strength, and God's perfect love. We take our 4 themes and measure out the portion designed for that one Destiny Page Experience, using lessons, crafts, public speaking, prayer, and the development of stratgies for each young person, that will increase their capacities now... and in the future... to  follow Jesus. 


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