AMERICA PROCLAIMS is a Christ Centered Ministry designed to engage Christians of all ages who use, celebrate, purchase give or creates arts. The ministry engages non Christians in America through missions and evangelism. And finally, AMERICA PROCLAIMS brings the Body of Christ together beyond culture, ethnicity, and color, and challenges Christ Centered denominations and non denominations to fulfill God’s purpose in accordance with his Will – John 17; Psalm 133:1; 2 Chronicles 7:14, Roman 1; and Luke 4: 18, 19.

AMERICA PROCLAIMS, through TheMOVEMENT seeks authentic relationships with Creative People, those in The Arts, Ministries, Businesses, Education, and Families who desire to pursue and obey the heart of God in four areas:
4One finds its foundation in these 4 areas: Self Repentance & Revival 2 Chronicles 7:14), Oneness within the Body of Christ: Beyond Denominations (Psalm 133:1), Oneness Amongst Christians of Every Color, and the Return of Glory towards Effective Evangelism (John Chapter 17).
AMERICA PROCLAIMS: TheMOVEMENT represents the Christ Centered Body of Christ - within 14 US Regions - of all ages, ethnic groups, Denominations and Non-Denominations, who are Kingdom minded and who desire to work as One, to Build the Kingdom of God. AMERICA PROCLAIMS has its foundation on the Word of God and its Principles, to support people of all ages in these times... within post Christian cultures to live prepared for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. AMERICA PROCLAIMS has as its focus - The Arts - with strong emphasis on Worship, Prayer & Intercession, Trainings, Evangelism, and Missions. AMERICA PROCLAIMS involves partnerships, collaborations and networks of Believers - within our 14 US Regions - who seek to win Souls, and to Disciple them, as One... to the Glory and Honor of God. (John 17, Psalm 133:1, 2Chronicles 7:14, Romans 1, Luke 4:18,19) Discover what it takes to Join TheMOVEMENT HERE.