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The Powerful Choice to Join

In These Last Days, the Body of Christ has the greatest opportunities to "Be Jesus" and to "Share Him" in many forums, using a variety of gifts, talents, and skills. Joining TheMOVEMENT: AMERICA PROCLAIMS, in its most basic form, involves the Declaration below. Your decision to live each day pursuing God, His Purpose, and in His Way, is the Foundation on which every single Member of TheMOVEMENT  stands - no matter their age, status, skin color or Christ Centered connections.


Students, Pastors, Patriots, Advocates, Law Officers, Creative People, Educators, Parents, Sports Players, Philanthropists, Journalists, Attorneys, and You, are welcome to join TheMOVEMENT if you Make the Commitment, and Live Out the Declaration below. 


Some of you may say, I have no special gift, I cannot even walk across the room. But I say to you, we all must redeem the time because the days we live in are evil. We must be wise. We must understand what God's Will for us is, in these very days. Ephesians 5:16,17. It is whatever we DO for Christ that will last. The Word says, in Colossians 3:23,24 You will receive the reward of the inheritance when you DO whatever you do "heartily" because You DO it to, and for, the Lord. Why? because it is the Lord that You serve. 


The foundation laid for those who are members of TheMOVEMENT: AMERICA PROCLAIMS is one that speaks to our love and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to Others. Some will shrink away because of their hatred for people who do not sound or look like them. Some will link up, for partnership and collaborations, as 4One Hosts and Connectors with TheMOVEMENT, to minister around the United States, within our 14 Regions. Intercessors, Dancers, Pastors, and Business Owners will find their place within TheMOVEMENT. You will know your assignment when you see it. Holy Spirit will lead you. 


We would love to share more with you. And by the way, if you would like your own copy of the Declarations of Renewed Commitment, contact us, we would love to get you a copy. 


So, here we go... take time to read the Declaration of Renewed Commitment shown below. If you believe that our Heavenly Father can trust you to engage others with these Declarations, along with the Word of God as your Foundation, then Contact Us. We look forward to you joining TheMOVEMENT: AMERICA PROCLAIMS.


God Bless You Friends.


We Love You! 

Rev. Selia 

Rev Selia Darlene Bervine, Executive Director



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