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Creating Worship Teams

Writer's picture: Selia Darlene Bervine Selia Darlene Bervine

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

When I encounter worship teams, praise teams or whatever you may call them, I am always interested in where "they" seek to take me or even "if" they plan to go anywhere. I'll be honest with you, I am an intimate worshipper of our God, and I seek to go all the way in, and stay a while with Him. So, I tend to learn pretty quickly, if I'm around, whether or not a team and its leader plan to take me there or if they have other objectives. And well, perhaps they have no objectives at all. But in this NoteTaker, I wish to share one of my many thoughts on worship - Creating Worship Teams.

So, how and why do we create worship teams? The first thing I'd like to establish is that God is looking for true worshippers. So, that's why we create them. He is looking for true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23 "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."

Thus, having a revelation of who the Father is, and a desire to be a "true worshipper" of God, is the best place to begin when seeking those to be part of your worship team. You are looking for - searching and seeking after - those who will worship God in spirit and in truth.

There are many beautiful voices. There are people who can "sang". They can sing you happy, chills running up and down your spine, and to the point that you are running around the entire building. But when it comes to "worship", do you and your team have the capacity - the heart, the willingness, the intent, the purpose, and the tenacity to "take the people to a place", to "lead the people down, through, and up paths" towards "God-engaging", "truth filled", "intimate" worship of the Father?

I have heard Worship Leaders announce that they are not here to "lead you into worship" but to, instead, "welcome you into the place where they are" when it comes to (I suppose) worship or praise. Their thought is... that since you have, and get to make the choice, to worship, that you will do so, if you please. And so, they take the stance that the responsibility is not theirs to "lead you" there. Well, my Friend, there IS a difference between these two concepts or objectives: "setting an atmosphere" for someone to worship and "leading people" into worship. And without going into these too deeply, (I'll save that for a different NoteTaker), that comment sounds like the thoughts of a "Psalmist" not a "Worship Leader". So, look for an upcoming post wherein I touch on that thought and mindset.

Anyway, "creating worship teams, that's our focus here. You know, when I began leading worship, more than 38 years ago, I wanted so much, to please God. I wanted Holy Spirit to have full reign in our service. I wanted the people to fully engage the Lord in "acts of adoration". Okay, that's another whole topic. We'll come back to it... yessss you guessed it... in another NOTETAKER!!! I want nothing less than that today. I want the congregation to talk to God about himself. I want a team of singers who will lay their adoration out before God without hesitation or restraint. I want the instruments to speak of Him and to Him. I seek a team who will give themselves wholeheartedly to the Lord because they KNOW Him and they want their spirit to connect to HIS Spirit. (Ummm, "to Know" God - another topic.) I want the team to declare the Truth about Him to all who hear. I want a team who is sensitive to Holy Spirit. I want a team who lives Holy before the Lord. Holy... before the Lord... Saturday night...Friday, after work...Wednesdays on Hump know, all week long. I'll tell you, it is a tall order even when I seek such as a Soloist, a Psalmist, looking to usher people into the presence of God, or to through song - to convince them of their need for the Savior.

But when I specifically seek a team to lead in worship, I look for individuals who have a passion for God, and the things of God. I look for individuals - singers, musicians, audio/visual techs, dancers and movement ministers - who are not only anointed "to do their gifts" but who understand and pursue God with their whole hearts. These are people who trust God to grace them to live the lifestyle of a True Worshipper.

Creating Worship Teams... well, I think that's a good place to start, even today, July 24, 2022. But I can imagine your thoughts. "Who fits the bill for all that?!!" "I barely do!!" "I may as well sit down!!" "If I could just get my team to show up on time...!!" "God knows where we are. He accepts us... we're being made!" "Look, keep the skirts long enough... the pants not too tight... the chest not showing... I take what I can get!!" I hear you. God hears you too. HLPAA!!! Another whole teaching! HLPAA is a teaching Holy Spirit gave me on the Standard of Living for Christians leading up to the Last Days. Whew! It's something else out here, isn't it?!! But God. He (Holy Spirit) is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory. Jude 24 "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,". Wow!!! I think we should get into practice right here and now... Hoooooooo Let's put a wrap on it.... Glory to God!!!! Jude 25 "To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."

Go ahead now, choose wisely. Be the One chosen. And be intimate - at home, in your car, and your truck, sitting and hearing those heathens, being the ONLY One who won't talk smack. Live the lifestyle of a true worshipper so that when it's time to choose or be chosen, God can trust you to not draw back on Him. Ohhhh goodness, I shifted again. But that's okay. It's all relevant. Be God's chose as a true worshipper. And whether you worship from the pew or on the platform be consistent in worshipping in spirit and in truth.

When you're in the pew - be present in worship. Go in. Go all the way in. It's not a stage thing. It's a lifestyle of intimacy... a lifestyle of walking in the Spirit. It is a call to worship God according to the Truth of who He is. God is searching for you. Let it be that you as pastor, teacher, student, judge, dancer, law officer, caretaker, physician, and the leader that you are, be found by the ULTIMATE Seeker... worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.

Selia Darlene Bervine is an ordained minister of the Gospel. She has been a Christian since the age of 7 years old, when under the leadership of her father, the late Rev Junius W. Bervine, she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into her heart. After tumultuous teen years wherein she experienced extreme physical and sexual abuse, Selia rededicated her life to the Lord, in 1973.

Selia's solo music career began in 1974. And in her God-given roles as Psalmist, Soloist, and Songwriter, Selia has performed for Carol Pikini, on her television program, Building Blocks (Tampa), and on Newsprobe, a program aired in Philadelphia, PA. While Worship Leader at New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, a number of her songs were used for Vacation Bible School (1987, 1988); she helped to produce the music tape as performed by a choir of children, teens and adults, for home based vacation bible schools held throughout the City of Philadelphia. In addition to her responsibilities as a Net Care (cell) Leader at New Covenant, Selia ministered in music as a soloist and with the choir, under the leadership of Minister James Crumbly. She was Vacation Bible School Teacher, Youth Leader and Assistant Sunday School Superintendent at Christian Union Church, (where her father was once Pastor), and planned special events under the leadership of the (then current) Pastor, and SS Superintendent (1973 – 1982).

Selia has participated in numerous singing groups as directed by artists like Calvin Carr and Hardin Walker (both of Philadelphia.) She has produced concerts for children, teens and adults in church settings as well as on location at Fairs and National Day of Prayer Events. Songs like Living Sacrifice, written by Selia, draw people of all ages into intimate relationship with our Lord, as children, teen and adults offer themselves in commitment to him during performances. Yes to Your Way is a tender worshipful chorus, written by Selia that speaks to people, under any circumstance. This simple, yet powerful chorus was ministered during the memorial service for the wife, (Cindy,) and daughter, (Chelsea,) of Bruce Murakami; they were both tragically killed in a nationally publicized vehicle accident, in Tampa FL in November 1998.

Through META, Selia provides arts education to support the spiritual & performance development of artists, and intentionally brings together people of all nationalities and Christ-centered denominations (through AMERICA PROCLAIMS & META). AMERICA PROCLAIMS is a vehicle used to bring the Body of Christ together in accordance with God’s heart concerning his people beyond denominational and racial barriers and beyond surface (or superficial) pretenses. Events planned are designed to posture hearts toward repentance, and to lay a clear path for the manifestation of Christ’s glory, towards effective evangelization of the United States of America. Reach Out, TheNet, and other AMERICA PROCLAIMS components were designed by Selia to support and engage Everyday Artists, 1st Responders, Professional Christian Artists, Students and Christian Leaders & Lay Persons in facilitating change in pop culture in America.

As an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Selia teaches the Word of God to audiences of all ages. She was Christian Education Director at International Harvest Center COG, Tampa, FL (2004). Selia provided mentorship to women, under the leadership of Pastor Paula White, (Without Walls International Church - WWIC), Tampa (1997 - 2000); teaching bible studies (weekly to women and once a month to professionals in the marketplace,) overseeing hospital visitation to children, and receiving special guests (involving itinerary - hotel, air travel, gifts, writer details). Selia was also Assistant Worship Leader for Women of the Word, a ministry service taught by Pastor Paula, monthly. She ministered in music with WWIC choir under the leadership of performing artist, Javen Campbell. Selia shared in alter ministry at WWIC, IHC COG, and on behalf of other ministries. Today, Selia combines all the gifts and skills God has given her to elevate individuals into a sure foundation in Jesus Christ. Through both Christ centered and secular education, Selia increases the potential and capacity of others. Through arts & worship, Selia positions people, of all ages, by the grace of God, to be healed, delivered and cleansed by his precious, saving Blood. Check out secular education and arts components at and for Christ Centered ministry, education, and arts visit

With a BA from Temple University, (Philadelphia, PA,) Selia earned her degree in Communications, in 1991. She received a 2-Year Certificate from Temple University’s School of Social Work, in Early Childhood Education (1975). At Destiny Bible College, (Tampa, FL) Selia obtained a Certificate in Ministerial Studies (1996). Selia has completed coursework at Regent University, towards an MA in Journalism, in the School of Communication and the Arts.


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