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Writer's pictureSelia Darlene Bervine

“Influencing the President as Christ Centered Pastors & Leaders”

Written originally on 1/23/2020

I am Sorry that A. R. Bernard Did Not Remain On The President's Evangelical Advisory Committee. It Is NEVER SO That a Christ Centered Leader Agrees with EVERYTHING That a National Leader Says or Does.

But From the Position of Prayer & Intercession, and the Introduction of Constructive Thought (Relative to the Needs of the Inner City - - WITH Ongoing Dialogue), and The Trouble Shooting with Respect to "How To Get Things Accomplished", He was, and COULD HAVE CONTINUED to Be, in a Key Seat, to Help Move Things Into Position. I Understand that Patience Runs Thin. I also Understand that When One Sees Character Flaws and Morality Issues They Feel It Challenging to Remain in Such an Environment. HOWEVER, If ALL of the Christ Centered, Morally Sensitive, Evangelical Leaders HAD ALSO LEFT - WHO Would have Remained to BE, to Introduce, to Deliver, and Support What GOD Wants to put forth Into the Nation(s)?

I cannot help but to think of a Doula. According to Webster, a Doula is "a person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth." Our President - with and in ALL His IMPERFECTIONS NEEDS A DOULA. Evangelicals - BLACK, WHITE, ASIAN and LATINO - Who Remain in Place To WORK WITH THIS Imperfect President, to Provide (as One would an Imperfect Woman Giving Birth to a Baby - ALL While She's Imperfect, Ungodly, Cussing, Pinching, Fussing, and Having a Real Fit), to Advice, and provide Information, Emotional Support, and Physical Comfort to Him.

How Could He Handle ALL of the Witchcraft and Hatred Sent His Way if Christ Centered Leaders and Intercessors ALL Around the World Were Not Standing WITH Him (IN HIS IMPERFECTIONS). The President is Giving Birth to MANY Different Initiatives. He is Also Cleaning the SWAMP - - and THIS Is Causing MUCH Grief to Those Impacted. Perhaps Dr. Bernard is Accustomed to Moving and Shaking and Getting People and Things to MOVE Expeditiously, BUT The President is WHO HE IS...and WHO HE IS NOT. He is ALSO a Mover and Shaker Who Needs YOU LEADERS, as Doulas...Before, During, and After Giving Birth to What GOD PUTS in HIS Heart to Do.

If ALL the Good that The President is Doing is Being Done as a Means to Be Reelected, Then Consider What Good the Other Candidates are doing. Now, from a Place of Discernment, Concerning Biblical Principles and Standards - as in Romans 1, Luke 4:18, 19, Genesis 1:27, Psalm 148:7-9, and Psalm 139:14-17, WHO - Which of ALL The Candidates Currently Invoke God's Attention, and Has Presented God with Something to Work With - in Terms of Acts of Obedience or Showing God that He/She Can Be Trusted with HIS Creation? I'm NOT Talking about Illusions or Ideals of Some Sort. I Am Speaking of Words From the Mouth and Actions Taken...WHO of The Candidates for President PUTS FORTH ACTION THAT Agrees With God?

There Are Many who Think that Evangelical Leaders Should Look for a President Who is Morally Strong and Shows Good Character. I Looked for the Same. In 2016, I initially Voted for Someone I thought (and was wrong) to be That One. And when November came, I was left with two choices...I Chose By way of a Platform...the one that I Believed - AND STILL DO - Best Represents What Pleases God. However, What Has Changed for Me today, is that I NOW SEE With My Own EYES - - ACTION Being Taken by President Donald J. Trump that AGREES WITH GOD. On the Other Side, I SEE with My Eyes, Stances Taken By Candidates that Clearly DISAGREE With God. Why Should I - With My EYES WIDE OPEN - CHOOSE WHAT I KNOW TO BE WRONG? Why Would You?


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