Sometimes I have a lot to say. But I'm gonna keep this short. Y'all... Guess what?!! They got your stuff!!! Now, this is not a message for everyone - - it is not for every Black American or Person of African Descent. Greatness came and still comes out of Africa. Get it straight! But some of you act as though someone "owes you" something. Whatever comes our way that is at no cost to us as People of Color is also available and provided to Non-Blacks, and it is all - simply... "a Blessing".
The welfare system, the creation of the BETA Male, the pushing of LGBTQ+, the Strategic & Ongoing Murders through Abortion of Black Children, the Dummying Down of Students, the creation of COVID 19 and other useful deviant, life altering AND ENDING 'health' solutions and strategies against the most vulnerable, the driving of drugs and weapons into Black communities - even legalizing drugs that create schizophrenia and mental health issues in the parents of children, who then ultimately end up in foster care or on the streets, and now the replacement of the American Poor and disenfranchised with persons from other countries who these leaders believe will honor and obey whatever plans they bring to them… These issues, along with the long-term relationship - - you know - - “the once a Democrat, always a Democrat” mindset that some Blacks continue to hold onto with the Democratic Party who - by the way birthed the KKK - have fishing hooks deep into their bellies, and position Blacks into this cycle of generations of “I Can’t”, “We Can’t”, “and “We Won’t”.
The matter of "voting as a convicted felon", "having a bank account" or "securing a driver's license" have been blown up beyond measure to be issues impacting Black people overall. But are they true issues for MOST Blacks? How true are these issues for most individuals who have experienced prison time? I would like to know... hearing it from you.
I dare say to most though... Get a grip! Get a grip on yourself! They Got Your Stuff! And they will keep it as long as YOU buy into their deceptive strategies and demonic plans that strike at your families and communities keeping you locked in for GENERATIONS!
I have a question. It is not suited for most of us. But I'm just going to say this, and some will not like it. Why do you feel okay with trash running up and down your streets? Why are YOU fine sitting out front with trash PILED UP around you? Why are you okay sitting there watching people from other neighborhoods wearing matching T-Shirts CLEANING UP YOUR TRASH! Where is your Son? Why can't you find your Daughter? I am not referencing "missing children". I am speaking of you not knowing and not planning for the daily activities that keep you pouring into your own children. How carefully do you check into those programs you put your children into? Half the time they're sitting down the street from that library you claim you think they're in.
TAKE CHARGE! DROP THE VICTIM MENTALITY! I just don't know how Some People believe that everyone - every person of "AFRICAN" descent should receive some form of "40 acres and a mule". Are you saying and believing that "each and every" person of African descent who was born in United States of America whose descendants (some say) were promised "40 acres and a mule" should receive this "40 acres and a mule"? Every Descendant? My question is - - in what generation would this promise no longer apply? There are millions of us sitting at waiting. In the meantime - - They Got Your Stuff!!
You keep believing them when they tell you what you cannot do. You keep following them as if you are still attached to some kind of rope. This is not to half or even most of us... I hope. But I have held back from sharing my heart about this for years. And I am done with it. If the shoe're definitely wearing it!!! Why? Cause They Got Your Stuff!
STOP WAITING FOR SOME POLITICIAN to deliver you! Stop waiting for anyone to deliver You! Well - - anyone but Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My Black Men have been pushed out of their families and children's lives for centuries. And systems set in place - right now - continues this EVIL status quo. Women - of every race - are being stolen from. But right now, I am speaking to Women of Color. You are not trash! Men, Boys, Women of Color are not trash! Treat us with Respect! Don't lay with them if you are not married to them. Protect their Integrity and Protect Yours! Stop letting the music and entertainment industry be your guide and teacher. REJECT THEIR MESSAGING! Stop the rapes, the violence - the abuse!
Recently, I canvassed communities searching for homes with children. And so different than even 10 years ago - - there were WHOLE BLOCKS wherein I spoke with adults who said, "No children at all live on this block". You may not be alarmed at such a statement but why are there no children living on many Blocks in cities around America? The birth rate has clearly diminished. Is this to be celebrated? Do you understand the impact on our nation?
According to Stephanie H. Murray, a public policy researcher turned freelance journalist who wrote for FiveThirtyEight "The U.S. fertility rate hit a record low in 2020 — just as it did in 2019, and 2018. Although the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have accelerated this decline, the drop has been underway for years. The total fertility rate — the average number of children a woman is expected to have over her lifetime — now sits at 1.64 children per woman in the U.S. Not only is this the lowest rate recorded since the government began tracking these stats in the 1930s, but it’s well below the so-called “replacement-level fertility” of about 2.1.
The latter number is what social scientists and policymakers have long regarded as the rate a country should maintain to keep population numbers stable. When the fertility rate falls below replacement level, the population grows older and shrinks, which can slow economic growth and strain government budgets. Today’s babies are tomorrow’s workers and taxpayers: They’ll not only staff the hospitals and nursing homes we’ll use in old age but also sustain the economy by funding our pensions when we retire, paying the taxes that finance Social Security, Medicare, and many other government programs we’ll rely on, and buying the homes and stocks we invested in to build our savings." Read the full article, written on June 9, 2021, titled "How Low Can America’s Birth Rate Go Before It’s A Problem?" for more pertinent details.
"Big Government" designed to "take care of" EVERYBODY in order to set us into a communist and socialist society wants us bowing to their gods, obeying them in order to eat, be warm, be cool, or to work where we are told. At this time in our country we should be learning to garden to take care of ourselves because of what is coming. But are they destroying and preparing to make less available the seeds we need to sow? Might you have envious and insecure neighbors who destroy your garden - filled with Brussel sprouts, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, green peppers, tomatoes and more - which could have sustained them also in times of lack? They Got Your Stuff!!! And if you are like me - - they STOLE some of mine!
But Friends - - it's time to Wake Up. Claiming to be Woke and celebrating the theft committed by our young people and the minimal legal repercussions is nothing more than STUPIDITY! Do you actually believe that you will have any stores left in your communities, and do you think that you will be welcome in other people's communities when things go down?! WAKE UP!! They Got Your Stuff!!!!
They are destroying food sources. They are planning the next plandemic to kill off many more people. If you are only waiting for food from the "government" like back in the day - how safe will that food be? Wake Up! WAKE UP! If your Pastor is not warning and preparing you for what is to come - should the Lord tarry - then you are in the wrong house!! Wake Up!!! If your Pastor celebrated and fought to legalize illegal drugs in order to lesson the numbers of convictions to those in the Black community - GET OUT Of THERE NOW! He has set you up to receive the blessing (uh hum) curse of those who do such a thing. Did you know that the drugs "Nitazenes" being pushed by China into the US through the Cartels, are far worse than fentanyl?
According to Medical Discovery News - in their article titled - Even Worse than Fentanyl, (written the week of May 7, 2024), "Depending on the chemical formulation, some nitazenes are 800 times more potent than morphine and 40 times more than even fentanyl! They come in liquids, pills, and powder form. And just as illegal street drugs can be laced with fentanyl, they can also contain nitazenes without the user knowing."
Nitazenes became more popular during the opioid epidemic when there was a national crackdown on fentanyl. And also according to Medical Discovery News - "Nitazenes were developed in the nineteen fifties and sixties and were meant to be a substitute for morphine. But they were so powerful that the FDA didn’t approve them. Now they’re a schedule one drug and illegal just like heroin and LSD. Nitazines are made in the lab and are inexpensive to produce. They block pain signals in the brain by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other sites in the body."
The evil connected to the Sorcery (Pharmekeia), Murders, and Thefts (Revelation 9:21) brought on by the creation, selling, and use of these drugs, brings to mind the word "Woe". This word, addresses pain. It addresses the sense of crying out because of great difficulty. Isaiah 5:20 says to us "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."
Leaders who set themselves to embrace and to push wickedness should expect a sure response from the LORD. Could it be such as this? Isaiah 5:21 -25
24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases [were] torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand [is] stretched out still.
We cannot afford to keep our eyes closed, hands out, and expectations high towards - - and in the company of those who purport to have our "best interest" at heart - year after year, after year, after decade, after decade, after decade. WAKE UP!! They Got Your Stuff!!! They Got ALLLLLLL Your Stuff!!! Now REPOSITION YOURSELF to get it back.