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The mission of 


 is to bring healing through the arts. We partner with other humanitarian organizations, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd responders, community organizations, and health professionals to serve communities nationally and internationally, in times of crisis.


 We use the arts, to help people transition and transform after hard hitting experiences.


Professional Performers in the arts, who have a strong degree of compassion, use their gifts, talents and skills to serve

during  these emotionally

challenging times.

About Us
Our History

Seasons Change International began as "Seasons Change: For Ladies Only" - a 6-month project in 1996, in Tampa, FL, and a ministry to hurting women and girls. In her travels as Director of Community Relations for WellCare HMO, Inc., Psalmist and Worship Leader, and Motivational Speaker, Selia Darlene Bervine came across women and girls who had been wounded and left for spiritual and emotional death. The 6-month project provided free, two-hour sessions which included music ministry, teaching, drama, the reading of three of her personal journals, and provision of resources helpful to the emotional healing of each woman & girl. 


Offered to Women at Without Walls International Church (under then the leadership of Pastors Paula and Randy White), Selia provided Seasons Change: For Ladies Only to fellow leaders, and other women within the congregation. The ministry grew, and  Selia was asked to provide this same ministry to COED audiences, and began supporting the healing and restoration of both males and females in churches, at retreats, and other meetings, expanding the experiences from homes, and females only. 


In 2001, when Selia moved to Virginia Beach to attend Regent University, Seasons Change moved to International status when after 911, a Pastor, who was also a Student, lost his Mother. She went to be with the Lord and he was unable - like many foreign Students - to leave the US and return. Seasons Change planned and directed a Memorial Service for the Pastor's Mother - allowing him to appropriately grieve (though long distance), and hold a service and repass, at the same time of his 12 Brothers and Sisters, in the country of Sudan. With the full support of the University, and the School of Divinity, in particular, the Pastor was surrounded by One Body of Believers, who helped him to process, appropriately, the devastating loss of his Mother, though unable to experience saying goodbye, in the comforting arms of his Brothers, Sisters, and extended family, who lived over 6,548 miles away. This, began a new focus of ministering to individuals transitioning to Glory, and supporting Loved Ones of Others by planning and facilitating Funeral Services. 


Seasons Change International expanded, yet again, during times of crisis in Florida, Pennsylvania, and wherever help was needed, through Project Reach and Community Education. Attention on Police Officers and their Districts, and Communities in grief and strife, Seasons Change International provides prayer, comfort, nourishment and intervention in support of families, law officials, and more. Appropriate supplies, and development of teams for prayer and other support is achieved to increase the potential for peace, comfort, stability and provision. 


Endorsed, in 2001, by Dr. Ann L. Stanford, (Retired) US Consul General, and Professor of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University, Seasons Change International continues to provide grassroots, on the ground, hands on support, to families and individuals, in crisis and experiencing loss. Long distance support is also experienced through prayer, coordination of services and times of comfort to individuals and families. Helping people to appropriately grieve, heal, forgive and stand in troubling times, continues to be our mandate today.  









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Thank you so much for Serving As One!

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Celebrating the Woman in You

Through Heart Change... Life Focus... and Incredible Giving!

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From your community or mine or from others across the world you and I serve individuals and families, helping them to journey through difficult experiences and events. Many such events were not anticipated. Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually people need to be embraced and surrounded. What can you bring to the caught-off-guard, traumatized, and brokenhearted? Get connected! Be the hands and feet... the source of help... the deliverer of strength and healing through one of our SEASONS CHANGE handles. It's funny, isn't it? The word, "Handle" amongst other things means "the part by which a thing is held, carried, or controlled." So think about it - - as a "Project Reach Artist", "Christian Community Affiliate", "Mental Health Affiliate" or "Sponsor/Partner Affiliate" YOU can make the difference in the life of someone near or far. Contact us to learn more. We would love to schedule you for an upcoming Orientation. Email us for more information at Place in the subject line: "Please Schedule Me for the Next SEASONS CHANGE International Orientation".

Our History
Give/Partner With Us

Serve Communities, Individuals & Families Through Any of These Ministries - 

Our Services

PRAYER SITE: Intercessing Nations

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Thanks YOU for Your Prayers

Many of You supported the Collins Family in Prayer for Baby Zechey.  And while we did not get to know Zechariah personally, we honor his Family's Strong fight of Faith to experience the Mighty Hand of God over and over again.  Lives were touched through John, Dominque e and Baby Zechariah. And through Zechey, we were brought together to "Press In" as "One Body" (John 17), on his behalf. That's what families do. And as the Body of Christ, we held true to God's purpose in this very thing. Thank you so much, for doing your part from wherever you are.  Season Change International would like to bless the Family with flowers. To join us, please send your gift to $AMERICAPROCLAIMS by                   


Be certain to specify purpose of giving as "Flowers for Collins Family". Please send your financial gift by Thursday, April 13, 2023. 


Thank you so much. 


Rev Selia Darlene Bervine 


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We Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Baby Zechariah 

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Services for baby Zechariah are as follows - 


Viewing: Friday, April 14, 2023, 5 - 8PM

Eric George Funeral Home 

6107 Miramar Pkwy 

Miramar, FL 33023


Wake Location: Eric George Funeral Home, 6101 Miramar Pkwy

Miramar, FL 33023


Funeral Services: Saturday, April 15th, 11AM

Eric George Funeral Home


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