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"Are You In the Room?"

Updated: May 5

What kind of ministry is designed to bring the Body of Christ together for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God in a manner that exemplifies John chapter 17, during times like these? I'll get right to it! Ministries wherein people of all races, ages, and from different Christ Centered non-denominations/denominations, like AMERICA PROCLAIMS, are living out John 17, today, pursuing the heart of God and honoring Him in how they extend his Glory togather, into the regions they are called to serve. AMERICA PROCLAIMS is one such ministry. It was founded in May 2007, by Selia Darlene Bervine, a minister, worship leader/psalmist, songwriter and teacher, on the tail of The Assembly, the celebration of America’s 400 years as a nation. That very precious and life changing celebration was held at The Rock Church in Virginia Beach, VA (Pastor Anne Gimenez). Knowing that God was birthing something new in her spirit, Selia set aside two days to sit in His presence, and hear the details of God’s new direction. She knew the role that arts and media play in shaping the direction of a nation... and after several days under such heavy anointing at the Assembly, and time alone with God, the Lord instructed Selia to give birth to AMERICA PROCLAIMS.


What I love about AMERICA PROCLAIMS is that there is a place for You. You are surely in the room. Whether you are thousands of miles away or within walking distance, there are opportunities to experience TheMOVEMENT: AMERICA PROCLAIMS as a 4One Host or Connector. Why would you want to do that? It's simple. AMERICA PROCLAIMS is designed to honor God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by fulfilling His Will in tangible obedience to John chapter 17. And today, in 2024, 17 years after she gave birth to AMERICA PROCLAIMS, this scripture is one of the most challenging to fulfill within the Body of Christ as we once knew it. Do you need to step it up?

National civil unrest, race issues (real or contrived), destroyed borders, along with food and energy sources, and the strategic destruction of the lives and businesses of millions through medicinal purposes have shocked America to its core. Who was asleep while these agendas were planned? The Body of Christ. Who should have had the answers to these issues and stepped up to address them - - head on? The Body of Christ. Who - - today - has the answer for such devastation? That question will not be rendered a swift response. There is a reason.

We are a fragmented, woke, and world-loving Body who can barely be recognized in any room. We are like Lot, loving our position amongst the men of the city, while sitting with them at "the gate of Sodom". Genesis 19:1-3 "And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;".

Do you have the Heart of a true Worshiper? Check out opportunites for deepening your daily walk of Worship Here.

Lot, at least recognized that holiness was approaching and knew that the streets were no place for the angels or himself. But the angels declared that they would not go into Lot's house, but instead would remain positioned in the street all night. I wonder if the angels were giving Lot an opportunity to "hear himself speak" as he pushed to get them away from this wicked, ungodly environment that HE positioned himself in.

2 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.

What was Lot saying? He sought to persuade the angels to stay "in the house" all night, to not come out into the streets. In fact, wash your feet, and don't make plans to dirty them again during the night by coming out of the house. I can't afford for you to see ALL that takes place out here. And furthermore, get up early, and make it your business to get out of this town as quickly as you can - well before these that carry on in the dark - arise to do what they are known to do in these streets.

3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.

This idea of Lot pressing the angels greatly was not done in some gentle, laid back manner. Nooooo. Lot did what looked and sounded like what your Son would sound like if you - - as his parent - - entered the drug ridden, prostitution traveling, violent streets where he sat, amongst those same people doing - - what?? Lot stubbornly and arrogantly fast talked and moved those angels along in an aggressive, insolent, loud and intensive manner to get THEM away from where HE sat... every day. Lot's tone and manner said to all those around - and not to the angels - "don't y'all say a word or even walk in this direction. These are not your kinda men!"

What kind of man are you seeking God for, ladies & teen girls? Consider all that it takes to know. Join Jasper Ladies International for Jaspers' Round Table and spend 6-weeks on Wednesdays with us (beginning May 15th), talking about "That RIGHT Man". REGISTER TODAY!

When I think about some of our leaders in the Body of Christ today, I see a people in a state even worse than Lot. At least he knew not to celebrate -in the face of the angels - the darkness. Leaders in the Body, today, have taken to walking alongside, embracing the darkness and giving it a place and identity within the Body itself. I will stop here because Romans chapter 1 provides a clear understanding of who these leaders are, and that chapter defines them quite accurately.

AMERICA PROCLAIMS offers education, training, ministry, worship & prayer, evangelism, arts, and more through a collective Body of Born Again Believers who, as Christ Centered Christians understand and seek to advance John 17 in ways that go deeper than joint efforts of surface, and at times - politically motivated, ungodly, social justice and no justice work. Our work is done with Kingdom of God-minded others, who use our DECLARATIONS OF RENEWED COMMITMENT TO GOD, HIS KINGDOM WORK AND HIS PEOPLE as a basis for joining TheMOVEMENT. We believe these Declarations to be sound in doctrine and a solid foundation on which we all can run towards each other, to stand... to link arms in order to fulfill the heart of God, as shared by the Lord Jesus Christ, as he earnestly prayed, in John chapter 17.

We are excited about the different ministries for people of all ages who can engage others in Christ Centered ministry within our 14 US Regions and beyond. We appreciate connecting with ministries, businesses and educational institutions to fulfill the heart of God.

Take time to discover 4One to learn how you, your family, your business, ministry or organization can get involved. 4One Hosts & Connectors make John chapter 17 come alive during planning and within actual events and are designed to do so from wherever you are. No matter your age, there is a place for you as a Christ Centered 4One Connector.

Reach out to us at or go ahead and join the Movement, become a 4One Host & Connector or partner with us through one of our 5 Unique Partnerships. We have ministries through Jasper Ladies International that are designed for Women and Teen Girls. Young Citizens, META, Student Reach K-12, and Reach Out Schools

along with other child and teen based education are designed to give Girls and Boys the support they need in today's society. Citizen 2 Citizen provide Christ Centered adults & young adults, strategic ways to deliver innovative ministry to communities together - yours and mine. The COALITION to Impact Communities works through senior leadership of businesses, philanthropists, ministries and educational institutions - with Christ centered focus - to Change the Heart of Communities, Reconnect, Refocus and Rebuild Communities, all for the cause of Christ and the building up of His Kingdom. And when law officers, neighbors, strangers, and people in other lands experience crisis, loss or grief, SEASONS CHANGE International works with communities to serve the broken. Your involvement - pouring in the oil and the wine - to comfort, strengthen and heal is essential. AMERICA PROCLAIMS Christ Centered Artists are involved in our 4One Events and express the heart of God during our experiences in communities around our 14 US Regions. We look forward to Extending God's Glory and 24 Hour Prayer Connects taking place in your Region. We invite intercessors of all ages to join us through one of our prayer ministries: Student Reach Prayer Rallies, Prayer Site: Intercessing Nations, or as an AP Artist Prayer Ambassador.

We, as the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ are needed to "BE One" like never before. We are in deeply troubling times. Our focus needs to be John chapter 17. Read it. Don't skim over it. Read it - - take apart every word, and understand that there has never been a time like this where any attempt to walk out this chapter and its verses has been more difficult. In fact, it is almost impossible without the Glory that Jesus has given to us to walk in. In order to walk it out, we cannot sit in participation, celebration, synchronization, or in abomination with the World. It means we are going to lose some friends and gain some. It means "blood family" will take on its spiritual meaning, as our family will become those who, like us, are washed in the Blood of the Lamb and walk out God's Glory - understanding the times and the seasons we live in.

So, I don't know. Are You in the room? Did they put you in? Do you have a seat at the table? Have you made available your gifts, talents and skills? Is the heart of God pleased with the inner work of Holy Spirit in each of us during the times that we work together? Are we positioned to receive what the Lord wants to speak into our lives when we work with others who do not look like us? Well, we have plenty of room within TheMOVEMENT for you. My friends, seek the heart of God concerning your place within AMERICA PROCLAIMS. Look around the website because whether you are a Musician, Artist, or Other Creative Person, a Senior Leader of an organization, business or ministry, or a Single Adult, Teen or Child, we want to become One with you - - just as the Lord Jesus prayed in - - John 17. We desire His Glory to be made manifest in all of us... together. But first you will need to position yourself... here, with us... in the room. #1Body.


Are you able to look around the room you are in and NOT see "created things"? Try it. Look in every direction - north, south, west and east. Is there nothing "created" in any of these directions? Pray, today, about how You use, create, deliver, sell, give and celebrate Creative Works and Arts. Visit us here to learn more.

Check us out on FaceBook and don't forget to join the Group. Find ungodly, dark, and unholy creative works of all kinds there. Why would you want to view these types of creative works by singers, dancers, graphic artists, fashion designers, and more? Because you cannot afford NOT TO KNOW and identify the darkness - particularly in the lives of those you love and serve. Students, children and people of all ages are being sucked in to a lifestyle of darkness perpetuated by entertainment and media. We ask that you look into these matters. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Be sure to inform us of dark arts that you have found. It is important to identify the types of creative works that are set before your family members by friends, schools and even within religious settings. Check us out, then spend some time counteracting the influence of these dark arts in prayer. Be ever watchful, these and other ungodly works are coming to a community near you. Know how to pray. Be ready to identify and keep them out of the hands and lives of your family and those you work with daily.



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